Below sample is very simple and easy to understand for creating a simple web server. The original link is:
Type http://localhost:8888 in your browser to browse server page.
Simple Web Server
This turoial shows how to build a prototypic web server using java socket programming. Here the web server is implemented as a stand alone java application with a single java class and client is nothing but the web browser.
import; import; import; import; import; import;
public class SimpleWebServer {
public static final int DEFAULT_WEB_SERVER_PORT = 6666; private int webServerPort = DEFAULT_WEB_SERVER_PORT; private int webServerRequestCount = 0; private ServerSocket webServerSocket; public SimpleWebServer(int webServerPort) { this.webServerPort = webServerPort; this.webServerRequestCount = 0; } /** * Start the web server */ protected void start() { log("Starting web server on port : " + webServerPort); try { //Web server socket creation webServerSocket = new ServerSocket(webServerPort); log("Started web server on port : " + webServerPort); /** * Wait for clients */ listen(); } catch (Exception e) { hault("Error: " + e); } } /** * Listening on webServerPort for the clients to connect. */ protected void listen() { log("Waiting for connection"); while (true) { try { // Got a connection request from client Socket client = webServerSocket.accept(); webServerRequestCount ++; //Handle client request //This processing can be in a separate Thread //if we would like to handle multiple requests //in parallel. serveClient(client); } catch (Exception e) { log("Error: " + e); } } }
protected void serveClient(Socket client) throws IOException { /** * Read the client request (parse the data if required) */ readClientRequest(client); /** * Send the response back to the client. */ writeClientResponse(client); } protected void readClientRequest(Socket client) throws IOException { log("\n--- Request from : " + client + " ---"); /** * Read the data sent by client. */ BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(client.getInputStream())); // read the data sent. We basically ignore it, // stop reading once a blank line is hit. This // blank line signals the end of the client HTTP // headers. String str = "."; while (!str.equals("")) { str = in.readLine(); log(str); } } protected void writeClientResponse(Socket client) throws IOException { PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(client.getOutputStream()); // Send the response // Send the headers out.println("HTTP/1.0 200 OK"); out.println("Content-Type: text/html"); out.println("Server: SimpleWebServer"); // this blank line signals the end of the headers out.println(""); // Send the HTML page out.println("<CENTER>"); out.println("<H1 style='color:red'>Welcome to SimpleWebServer<H1>"); out.println("<H2>This page has been visited <span style='color:blue'>" + webServerRequestCount + " time(s)</span></H2>"); out.println("</CENTER>"); out.flush(); client.close(); } private static void log(String msg) { System.out.println(msg); } private static void hault(String msg) { System.out.println(msg); System.exit(0); } public static void main(String args[]) { /** * Start web server on port '8888' */ SimpleWebServer ws = new SimpleWebServer(8888); ws.start(); } }
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