1. Create "Search.sql" file in Java project. Input the below query and then save file.
select s.shipper_number as "SSCC number",
it.item_code as "Item code",
CAST(ia.parameter as INTEGER)/1000 as "Weight (Kg)",
i.create_time as "Date & time",
r.adjust_reason as "Operation",
(u.u_first_name||' '||u.u_last_name) as "User name",
u.u_username as "Employee Number",
z.zone_name as "Zone name"
from shippers s, inventory_log i, reason_codes r, users u, locations l, zones z, items it, inventory_attrib ia
where s.shipper_id = i.shipper_id
and i.reason_code = r.reason_id
and i.user_id = u.u_id
and i.location_id = l.location_id
and l.zone_id = z.zone_id
and i.item_id = it.item_id
and i.stock_id = ia.stock_id
and ia.attribute = 'Weight'
and s.shipper_number = '@ssccnumber'
order by i.create_time
2. Create search() method in Java program.public void search(){
String query = null, line = null;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
FileReader fr = new FileReader(new File("search.sql"));
BufferedReader bf = new BufferedReader(fr);
}catch(IOException e){
//_sscreen.getSSCC() is text of JTextField.
query = sb.toString().replace("@ssccnumber", _sscreen.getSSCC());
If you have more than one key word, you can use String.replace(oldChar, newChar).replace(oldChar2, newChar2);
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